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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


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_Creator : Sapta Agunk   
_Author  : Sapta Agunk
_Thx To  : TTK Grup
_Status  : Undetect
_Program : Cheat to Game Point Blank Online (indonesia )
_Bypass  : HackShield
_Build date : March 09 2011
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#.Injection _ MAIN HACK

Features :

Auto On (No Hotkey) _     No Respawn ( tidak ada respawn saat death )
            Instant Defuse Bomb ( 0 detik defuse bomb )
            Instant Pasang Bomb ( 0 detik pasang bomb )
With Hotkey _    F11     = Instant Kill Musuh (saat musuh respawn langsung bisa di kill)
        F10    = Dual Kriss Damage 1 Hit
        Home     = Ganti Char Robot    ( aktifkan saat loading map )
        End     = Char Kembali Normal ( aktifkan saat notice "sedang mempersiapkan game" )

        F9    = No Recoil ALL Weapon ( Semua senjata tidak goyang saat nembak )
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_License to : Amm Key
_License key : 38977-ALRE-53931
_Status : Registered to MainHack
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